Monday, June 10, 2013

It rained this morning and it is still cool here in Michigan. The fact that it is so cool, isn't helping my asiatic lilies to start blooming. Most years they are by now. As soon as they do, I'll share some photos with you. We have a large selection of different kinds of lilies.

A lady at Garden Web traded some bulbs for something that I had. She gave me a lot of them and I know why now. These lilies just keep multiplying. If you like trading plants, join Garden Web. That is how I managed to get so many daylilies.

I'm sharing a photo below of the red lilies. This was taken 2 years ago by my husband. Since then the lilies have spread. This garden is in the back of our lot where there are a lot of trees. Asiatic lilies can handle part shade. If they grow in full shade, the blooms will be small and the plant won't thrive well.

1 comment:

  1. I love your lilies, I too am waiting for mine to bloom, I don't have as many as you and mine need to be displayed better.

    This flower growing is kind of new to me, like the last 5 years or so but they keep doing better.
