Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A few of my daylilies still need to be identified. Squirrels like to pull out the markers or the writing fades from the winter. Most I can identify by memory. I really need to start making more maps.

We are hoping for rain here soon. We've only gotten 1/2" in the last 2 weeks. Everyone got rain all around us and somehow it always skips us. Later tonight, I'll have to get the sprinkler out. Humidity here is 90%, so I'm not going out this afternoon.

This is another of my reds. It may be Scarlet O'Hara and may not be. I need to go through all of my reds yet.
Here is another photo of the Becky daisies in bloom. These things spread like crazy.

                                             Canadian Border Patrol

         The daylily is called Bonanza. I have several that are similar, but this one blooms like crazy. This photo doesn't do justice to the bloom. It is a beauty, especially with all the blooms and it blooms for a long time.

               Custard Candy is one of my favorite daylilies. It is one that I need to move to a new spot.

This is another photo of Paper Butterfly. I think this daylily is a real beauty. My colors are odd this year. Usually this has more lavender petals.

Siloam David Kirchoff is under an ornamental tree. I have quite a few Siloam daylilies. The name Siloam came from the hybridizers home town.

Eye to Eye is in the front row of my garden in front of the fence. This daylily grows rapidly. I've given a start to my sister and I need to divide it again.

This is a yellow daylily in front of our deck. This is Lemon Cap. It spreads and blooms like crazy.

Frankly Scarlet is in my daylily bed in the back of the garden on the right hand side of the hill. She's a beauty too. It looks like it has wax on it when the sun shine on the leaves and is a brighter red than the photo shows.

This is a small bloomed daylily. I need to do the measurements tonight to figure out which one it is exactly. I have two small purples that are much alike. It is probably Little Grapette.

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